
Time & Attendance

Maintaining schedules, hours worked, and vacation time is essential for accuracy and compliance with payroll laws. HireOrigin 's Time & Attendance solutions simplify the process.

Utilize automated time management tools to complete more tasks.

Maintaining a manual time log? Your life at work can be transformed with contactless time and attendance monitoring. With it, you may lower the amount of manual and prone to error data entry, boost output, and guarantee that your staff members can operate remotely, on-site, or from foot to street from anywhere in the globe.

Easily automate the tracking of your scattered workforce:

  • With a multi-modal approach, your staff can use a computer, smartphone, or time clock to punch in and out.
  • Workflows and policies that can be adjusted to make it appropriate for use by small and large organizations
  • Make infinite shift schedules and publish them.
  • Keep track of vacation days, sick days, and special permissions.
  • has the ability to interface with biometric gadgets (fingerprint/palm recognition)

The finest aspect? It is compatible with other HireOne products as well as your payroll software.

A manager dashboard can increase the productivity of supervisors.

A team dashboard from HireOrigin gives you or your management the ability to monitor employees. You can easily observe how things are going from one handy location:

  • Track overtime and hours worked to keep expenses within control.
  • To prevent payroll delays, keep track of and respond to timecard approvals.
  • Check who is working, whether anyone was missing or late, and modify schedules to maintain staffing levels.
  • Navigate to more supervisor tools quickly, run reports, and do more to maximize productivity and save time.

Oversee adherence to wage and hour laws.

Although wage and hour regulations, including those pertaining to overtime and allowances, can be complicated, they are crucial for shielding your company from fines. There's only so much that spreadsheets and notebooks can do, and human entry is prone to mistakes.

At HireOne, we're renowned for our user-friendly technology, which can assist you in fulfilling regulatory obligations. Our professionals assist you in keeping on track and storing the paperwork you'll need in the case of an audit by using our dependable payroll software.

Increase productivity even further by outsourcing your payroll to HireOrigin directly and delegating the heavy lifting to our professionals.

Seek assistance in managing staffing expenses.

Keeping track of your time is crucial to controlling your labor expenses. Furthermore, this may get harder to do as you get bigger. The time and attendance procedure at your company can now be managed and improved with the help of HireOrigin.

HiringOrigin's time tracking and payroll reports allow you to visualise employee expenditures, including temporary workers, and modify hours as needed.