
Time, payroll, and HR solutions for expert and technical services

Bring in and keep the best talent while making significant improvements to business workflows, from managing projects and keeping track of billable hours and expenses to assembling varied, highly cooperative teams.

Hire fewer people and focus more on developing a positive work environment.

As a provider of professional and technical services, you face competition not just from other businesses for clients but also from internal candidates. You can keep the best employees in the business by utilizing our best-in-class solutions. Additionally, they can facilitate your job by streamlining your processes with solutions for managing payroll and billable hours, freeing you up to concentrate on more important tasks like employee retention and engagement.

Created using feedback from users just like you

We discuss day-to-day issues with our professional and technical services clients, such as ensuring that they pay their staff appropriately, and we then blend their feedback with our knowledge of the sector. What was the outcome? solutions that satisfy the requirements of the technical and professional services environment, such as:

  • Utilizing strong talent management tools to attract and keep a wide range of the greatest candidates
  • Simple time and attendance systems save labor costs and improve accuracy when tracking billable hours.
  • Keeping track of reimbursement checks with automated, effective expenditure management

HR reports that keep you ahead of the curve

Use sophisticated reporting tools to help you make wise judgments. Utilize these reports to respond to inquiries like these :

  • What is the wage scale for each department, division, unit, group, or region of our workforce?
  • What overtime are unscheduled absences costing us?
  • How are the different personnel costs broken down?

Learn how you can analyse your people data by reading about HR Insights